Posts Tagged: compost

CFSA on Farm Intensive

Organic Management Strategies and Soil Health These are images for the Compost portion of the on farm intensive session I’m teaching for the 2024 CFSA Sustainable Agriculture Conference. My focus is on the building and use of the Johnson-Su Bioreactors for producing fungal dominant compost which is great for making extracts that can be easily… Read more »


There are literally thousands of ‘how to’ compost videos on youtube, and every other farm blog seems to have it’s own take on what you can or can’t, should or shouldn’t do… I find a lot of the ‘rules’ a bit of a storm in a teacup, so here’s our take. If you want to… Read more »

Trials in the Hoop House

This year we’ve returned to semi-production as we learn what does well, and how to grow things in the new hoop house. Some things are doing amazingly well. The first bed of Kale that was seeded in early February is still going strong, and tasting great even now on the edge of July. Mizuna, Arugula,… Read more »