Posts By: Peter Brezny

Farm Subsidies

A new report concludes that farm subsidies result in farming practices that cause more damage to the land than the value of the food produced. There’s an answer to this, human-scale, no-till, regenerative agriculture. Now before you say anything crazy like, ‘we can’t produce enough food without chemicals and artificial fertilizer to support our… Read more »

You Too Can Grow Your Own Food…

…and the farmers on youtube that helped me find my way. I tend to be a little more extreme in some areas of our farm with drastically small amounts of soil disturbance. Flipping beds by cutting out old plants to leave entire former root systems in tact for increased soil carbon and biological activity, minimal… Read more »

Regenerative Ag saves the planet

If you’re not familiar with the Rodale Institute (, they are a great resource with decades of science backing up no-till, organic practice as more productive than conventional agriculture…now this: Report Finds Agriculture A Leading Cause of Climate Change

Trials in the Hoop House

This year we’ve returned to semi-production as we learn what does well, and how to grow things in the new hoop house. Some things are doing amazingly well. The first bed of Kale that was seeded in early February is still going strong, and tasting great even now on the edge of July. Mizuna, Arugula,… Read more »

Compost Power!

Thought the setup took a bit of doing, surprisingly little when you consider the results–we’re now looking at 3 to 6 months of almost free heat for a 200 square foot room in the barn. The pile took 2 hours to build (shifted by hand out of the back of a trailer), and the materials… Read more »